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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

HESI Assessments

HESI Assessments are given at the campus Testing Centers listed in step 2 by appointment only.


HESI Assessments are specific to Collin College programs and do not include all sections of the HESI. Students intending to send their results to other colleges should not take the assessment at Collin College.


PLEASE NOTE: There is a point when you are setting up your EVOLVE account that it will look like there is no charge and you are given a receipt number. You are NOT done at this point and this is not the receipt number that is asked for in Step 2 when you schedule your exam. There is always a payment due for the exam. Be sure to continue with the steps listed in the Step 1 section below to complete the exam payment process.


Step 1: Set up your EVOLVE account and pay for your program's exam

1. Click on the program you are applying for admission to get to the payment link for that program's exam. (Costs vary between $50-$60 depending on the program. The cost will be listed when you get to the My Cart steps.)

a) Dental Hygiene

          The testing window will be from June 1st - December 19th, 2024

b) Sonography/Rad Tech - (The program allows you to test once per calendar year. If you have already taken this test in 2023, please choose the 'Sonography/Rad Tech 2nd attempt' option. Please contact the testing center if you have questions about which option to choose)

Sonography/Rad Tech 1st Attempt
Sonography/Rad Tech 2nd Attempt

c) Respiratory

2. Choose: "I am a student" (You will be taken through a tour of the site. If you want to skip the tour, just close the tour box.)

3. Under the box that says "HESI Secured Exams" (middle, right hand side of the screen), click on the "Register for Results and Remediation" link.

4. Click on the blue "Register" button, and then click on "Proceed to Checkout/Redeem".

5. If you are a returning user, enter your Evolve username and password and click Login.

6. If you are new to Evolve, enter your name, email, desired password, institution information, and click "Continue". 
7. ***Important*** Please remember your Evolve Login Username and Password, it will be necessary on testing day.

8. HESI Registration, 1st Edition will show on your screen. Scroll to the bottom and select "Submit".

9. Click on the "My Evolve" Tab at the top of the page.

10. Select HESI Assessment Student Access. Read Terms and Conditions and select "I Agree" to proceed.

11. You are now in the section to make your payment. Make sure the Program Name is correct.

12. Enter your billing information into Section 3, then click "Proceed to Checkout".

13. After payment confirmation, a proof of payment statement will be displayed and stored in your account under Payment History.

14. Be sure to save a copy of your payment receipt as it will need to be uploaded into the scheduling system.

15. Also, please print the confirmation and bring it with you on testing day.


Step 2: Click on the campus Testing Center below to schedule your appointment
  1. The above links will open the registration system for that specific campus in a new window. Follow the steps below to schedule your testing appointment once you are in the registration system:
  2. In the “Choose a group” dropdown box, select “HESI Exam".
  3. In the “Choose an exam” dropdown box, select your program name.
  4. Choose your date by clicking on the calendar icon to find available testing dates.
  5. Choose a starting time from the dropdown list.
  6. Fill in your personal information in the “Who is taking this exam?” section.
  7. Agree to the “Exam guideline acknowledgement".
  8. Fill out the “Needed information” section.
  9. Upload your payment receipt from your EVOLVE account exam payment.
  10. Click the “Add to Cart” button.
  11. You will receive a confirmation email to the email address you entered when scheduling the exam.


Step 3: Come for your exam
  1. Come at your scheduled exam time to the campus you picked when you scheduled your appointment.
  2. Bring your HESI username and password with you to your testing appointment. You will need this to log into the assessment.
  3. Bring a photo ID to your exam. You will not be able to test without one.
  4. All electronic devices will be required to be turned off and stored during your test. Lockers are available for personal items if needed.


These are long exams, so be prepared to be at the Testing Center for an extended period of time.  On average, these exams take 3.5 - 5 hours. Breaks are not allowed.

For additional information, please contact your Allied Health program directly.