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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Classroom Tests

Sign up to take a Classroom Test

To sign up for a test using RegisterBlast, click on the campus where your professor has designated that you take your test:

Allen - Technical







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Click here for directions to each campus, as well as where the testing center room is located on each campus.

Testing Center Locations

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■  Classroom test availability is determined by the individual Collin College instructors.

■  The Testing Center will not give test closing information over the phone. Please contact your instructor for those details.

■  The last classroom test is issued one hour before closing each day, provided that the instructor has designated 'end of day' as their closing time. There is no exception to this last issue time.

■  The Collin College Testing Centers DO NOT provide scantrons, bluebooks, or other specialized materials required for exams. These materials may be purchased at any Collin College bookstore. There are also vending machines available from which students may purchase these materials.

■  It is the student's responsibility to ensure they have the required materials prior to taking their exam. Please be aware that the Collin College bookstores are not open on weekends so these materials should be purchased in advance. Please check with your instructor regarding any required materials.

Testing Center Guidelines

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Faculty members can find the resources they need to submit make-up exams by clicking the link below:

Faculty Resources