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Spring Break Closure: March 17-23

Students, faculty, and staff are off for Spring Break beginning Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. Business hours will resume Monday, March 24.

Library Guidelines and Procedures

Operational Guidelines and Procedures


For the convenience of library users, the text of the Operational Guidelines and Procedures (OGP) is made available in print and on the library website. Where discrepancies exist, the print edition of the OGP is definitive. Questions regarding the OGP should be directed to the Executive Director of the user’s home campus library. The OGP is subject to changes.

Mission Statement 


Comprehensive Statements Regarding Library Use 

Student Use of Library 

Faculty and Staff Use of Library 

Community Use of Library 



Collin College Library Mission Statement


The libraries at Collin College are an integral part of the learning environment. The mission of the library is to support teaching and learning by providing the excellent staff, resources, instruction and information services needed by our community of users.

  • Service: Provide the highest quality information services to all Collin College populations.
  • Resources: The library will maintain and make available collections of materials to support the instructional programs of the college. The resources are selected with significant faculty input.
  • Instruction: Design and provide instruction to help users become effective independent learners and researchers.
  • Access: Provide equitable access to staff, resources, services and facilities for all Collin College populations.
  • Technology: Provide students and instructors access to innovative and emerging technologies.
  • Staff: Attract and retain staff who are knowledgeable, motivated, adaptable, service-oriented and effective.
  • Management: Provide an open, collegial, well-organized, flexible and responsive library, adaptive to the changing needs of its community.


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Comprehensive Statements Regarding Library Use


Collection Development Policy


The library will select, maintain and make available collections of materials to support the instructional programs of the college. Materials are selected to meet the academic needs of Collin College faculty members, staff members, and students. Library resources are selected by professional librarians, with significant faculty input. Materials are selected to reflect a variety of points of view.


The libraries’ collections exist to make scholarly materials available on an equitable and cost effective basis to Collin’s entire faculty, staff, and student population. It is not the library’s role to house materials that cannot be used by all Collin faculty, staff, and students. Resources which may only be used by a portion of the College population are housed in departmental classrooms and laboratories.


The libraries’ collections fall into the following categories:

  • Library owned non-circulating materials
  • Library owned circulating materials
  • Library-licensed electronic materials
  • Traditional or Print Reserve items - Faculty selected, owned by a faculty member or the library and made available for in-library use for one semester


Materials that fall outside the categories listed above may be housed in and circulated from the library only by prior arrangement with the library director. The library director will determine whether the library can successfully manage materials that fall outside the categories listed above. If the library accepts these materials, the library director and the responsible faculty or staff member will create a document outlining ownership of the materials, length of retention at the library, provisions for servicing and repairing materials or equipment, library marking of the materials, and return or disposal of the materials at the end of the retention period.


Identical materials may be held by more than one Collin College library to meet instructional needs. Multiple copies may also be held by a single Collin College library for the same reason.


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Donation of Materials and Monetary Gifts


Donation of Physical Items
Gifts of materials will be accepted by the Library within the following guidelines:

  • Materials obtained as gifts must meet the same standards as those stated in the Library Collection Development policy to be included in the Library collection.
  • Gifts become the property of the Collin College Libraries. The Library staff reserves the right to add only selected items from any donation. Materials may be added or discarded without consulting the original donor.
  • Since the libraries are actively used, and sustain losses through theft, mutilation and wear, no guarantee can be made that any gift will be a permanent part of the collection.
  • Upon request, a receipt in the form of a letter acknowledging the donation will be sent to the donor. This letter may be used by the donor for tax purposes. Donations are not given a value.

Monetary Gifts

  • Donors wishing to make monetary gifts need to work with the Foundation Office.

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Computer and Internet Use


Library computers are to be used primarily for college-related projects by Collin College students, faculty and staff.  Priority is given to course-related use, and patrons may be asked to yield to others with academic needs. The use of these resources for commercial activity is prohibited.


Internet resources and software applications may be used for lawful purposes only. Violation of local, state or federal laws, such as those regarding pornography, copyright, theft, vandalism, violation of personal privacy, and unauthorized access to computing resources, may result in arrest and/or prosecution.


All users agree to refrain from conduct that produces an intimidating, hostile or offensive work or study environment. All users agree to comply with policies of the Collin College Board of Trustees regarding sexual, racial, and other forms of harassment, as well as standards of conduct for Collin College students, staff and faculty as specified in the Collin College Student Handbook and, for faculty and employees, by the Collin College Board of Trustees Policies. Violation of Collin Board policies may result in penalties under College regulations.


Individuals who do not follow these standards of behavior may be denied the use of Library computers and network resources. Violators of these standards may also be subject to penalties under College regulations and under local, state, or federal laws. Collin College reserves the right to modify this policy at any time.


Computer Access

  • Computers are to be accessed by students, faculty or staff by using their own Logon ID and password. Any person found to be using the Logon ID other than their own will be reported to the Dean of Students and may face disciplinary action.
  • A Collin College Student or Faculty/Staff ID must be presented when requested by library staff.
  • Limits may be imposed to respond to increased demands for workstations.
  • Adding, deleting, or altering computer hardware/software or settings is prohibited.


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Patron Privacy and Confidentiality

  • The library will disclose patron information only with the consent of the involved patron or in order to comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena.
  • The library adheres to all Collin College policies which concern the privacy and confidentiality of records.


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Theft and Destruction of Materials


Library staff monitor patron actions regarding theft, vandalism, and the misuse of or damage to library collections, equipment, materials, or other property belonging to the College including software and data. The Library Director or the Reference Librarian on duty is to summon Campus Police when needed. Under some circumstances the library may notify law enforcement authorities or otherwise initiate disciplinary proceedings against patrons.


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Food and Drink


Consumption of food and drinks is not allowed in the library except in designated areas.


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Inappropriate or Disruptive Behavior


Behavior incompatible with the mission of the Collin College libraries is not permitted. Prohibited behaviors include, but are not limited to, excessive noise, intimidation, abuse, or other disruptive actions. The Library Director or the Reference Librarian on duty will resolve perceived disruptive situations in the library and summon Campus Police when needed. Animals, other than service animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, will not be allowed in the library.


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Copyright and Fair Use


Copyright Law (title 17, U.S. Code) prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by the principles of “fair use.” Except as allowed by those principles, Individuals should not copy or distribute either print or electronic materials without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

  • Copying not specifically allowed by the law, fair use, license agreement, or the permission of the copyright holder is prohibited.
  • It is the responsibility of the faculty to acquire copyright permission when required.
  • Faculty and students are personally responsible for copyright compliance and personally incur the consequences of infringement.
  • Library personnel adhere to college policy and to federal laws relating to the fair use and reproduction of copyrighted materials.
  • Further information concerning copyright issues is available from the Library Directors.


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Library Bill of Rights and Intellectual Freedom


The libraries of Collin College adhere to the Library Bill of Rights and the Intellectual Freedom Statement published by the American Library Association. Copies of these documents are available at the Reference Desk.


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Reconsideration of Library Materials


As a department within an institution that values intellectual inquiry, Collin College libraries do not remove materials from the collection for reasons related to content. However, patrons with concerns about library materials are invited to discuss their concerns informally with the library director and/or to request an official review. To request an official review, patrons may use a “Request for Reconsideration of Materials” form, which is available at the reference desk.


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