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Unusual Enrollment History

Unusual Enrollment History (UEH)


The U.S. Department of Education has established regulations to prevent fraud and abuse in the Federal Pell Grant and Direct Federal Student Loan Program by identifying students with "unusual enrollment histories".  Unusual enrollment history is defined as a student who enrolls at a school, receives federal student aid, fails to complete any classes and then goes to another school.

Some students who have an unusual enrollment history have legitimate reasons for their enrollment at multiple institutions.  However, such an enrollment history requires the Financial Aid Office to review your file in order to determine future Federal financial aid eligibility.  If selected by the Department of Education, this must be resolved before you will receive financial aid. 

Definition of Unusual Enrollment History (UEH)


The specific pattern the Department of Education uses to select students includes those students who have received a Federal Pell Grant and/or Federal Direct Student Loans at multiple institutions during the past four academic years.  Once the Department of Education indicates that a student has an unusual enrollment history, the Financial Aid Office must review the academic history prior to determining federal financial aid eligibility for that student. 


Students with an unusual enrollment history will have one of the following UEH flags and C codes on their ISIRs (Institutional Student Information Records), which is the school version of the FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) issued by the Department of Education after processing your FAFSA.

UEH  Flag Value 

C Code 


Flag Description 

School Action to Resolve Flag 




 Enrollment pattern not

 No school action required.   





 Possible enrollment pattern

 School must review enrollment/academic and
 financial aid records for the past four award years. 




 Questionable enrollment

 School must review enrollment/academic and
 financial aid records for the past four award years.. 


What Will Be Required of You


If selected, the Office of Student Financial Aid will notify you of what is required.  We will check your financial aid history at the previous institutions that you attended.


2024-2025 Academic Year


If you are attempting to enroll for the Fall 2024, Spring 2025 or Summer 2025 semesters we will review your enrollment history at all schools you attended during the 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 academic years at which you received a Pell Grant and/or a Federal Direct Student Loan disbursement.


You are required by federal regulations to have received academic credit at any institution you attended and received a Federal Pell grant or direct student loan during the relevant academic years outlined above. You provide proof that you received academic credit at any of the institutions you attended by submitting either an official or unofficial transcript to the Office of Student Financial Aid (please submit official transcript(s) to the Admissions Office).



Once all transcripts have been received, our office will verify whether or not academic credit was received at each institution during the relevant years.  If approved, we will notify you that you have satisfied this requirement.  If you failed to receive academic credit at any institution from which you received a Federal Pell grant during the relevant award years, you are not eligible for financial aid. 


However, if you feel you have a mitigating circumstance, you may submit an appeal explaining your situation. The SAP Appeal form can be obtained on the website as well as from any Financial Aid Office.  Submit the form with a typed statement and supporting documentation explaining why you failed to earn credit during the applicable award year(s). 


No aid will be disbursed until all required documentation has been received.

Eligibility Approved


If the UEH review and/or documentation supports that you did not enroll in multiple schools/programs solely to obtain the credit balance payment, then you will be eligible for Title IV funds (Financial Aid), provided you meet all other requirements. 

When a student regains eligibility under these provisions, eligibility for Pell Grant and campus-based aid begins in the payment period during which the student regained that eligibility. For Direct Loans, eligibility begins with the period of enrollment during which the student regained eligibility.

Eligibility Not Approved


If after reviewing the appeal and supporting documentation you are not approved for financial aid, you are no longer eligible for aid at our school.